Abigail Beaven

Humans of Union College


Meet Abigail Beaven, or Abby, a senior Biomed/Pre-Med major here at Union. She’s in the middle of a research project, basically living in the Krueger Center. Her research consists of trying to create an insecticide that is not harmful to humans or animals and is also inexpensive. She is passionate about science and loves what she does. On top of being incredibly smart, Abby is also very artistic. She draws dogs as commissions and she’s also getting a minor in Art. 

Abby has learned a lot since first coming here to Union. As a homeschooled military girl, she had quite the culture shock when coming to a school and having a stranger as a roommate. For the longest time she stressed endlessly over grades, spending most of her time studying and staying in her room. She also had trouble at first living with someone else and talking with her roommate. As she learned through her time here, she wants other students (especially freshman) to know that killing yourself over grades is not worth it, and that communication goes a long way. She also noted that not everyone will have your back or your best interests at heart, so be careful. She recommends people go out and enjoy Lincoln with friends, since college, and therefore Lincoln, won’t be around foreve

Francisco Campos is a senior studying Computing and Photo Video Imaging.