Hey Hannah

Hey Hannah.png

Hey Hannah, I’m thinking about taking a road trip for Spring Break. Any suggestions?

Traveling Tamara

You could either spend the whole week in one location or you could travel to multiple places. Chicago is a great city to spend a full week in because of all the different activities. There are museums, tourist attractions and even Broadway. Another place you could visit for a full week is Colorado. If you’re someone who loves the outdoors, then that state is definitely the place for you! St. Louis is another potential option as well. All these areas are within 10 hours of Lincoln, which is doable with the whole week off. If you don’t want to spend all your time in one place, you could start in Omaha and then go from there. Start planning now to make sure you’re completely ready for your week of fun!


Hey Hannah, My skin is so dry this time of year and I can’t find a moisturizer that I like. What product would you recommend?

Dry Danielle 

I personally use Neutrogena Hydro Boost moisturizer. Other good ones are Cetaphil, CereVe or Moisturel. One of the biggest protectants against dry skin is to make sure you’re not taking showers that are too hot or too long. Overdoing it with face-washing is also a culprit. You want to find a balance that works for you. You should avoid products that contain glycolic acid because it can dry out your skin as well. 

Hey Hannah, Sticking to my diet has been really hard for me. How do I maintain my diet?

Healthy Henry

Remember that moderation is key. ALL foods can fit into a lifestyle. It’s okay to occasionally have things that aren’t good for us as long as it’s not all the time. Finding a balance that works for you will make dieting a lot easier and more realistic. You’re less likely to relapse into old habits if you learn to moderate what you eat. Something that helps me is to plan meals ahead of time. This can be helpful during stressful times because you’re more likely to eat the healthy option that is already made for you. Remember to speak kindly to yourself. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but each healthy decision you make for yourself today helps your future self be a happier and healthier person. Do it for your future self. 

Hannah Armstrong is a senior studying health and human performance.