ASB Interview: New President, Madison Carveth


We’ve only been back from Christmas Break for a few weeks, yet there have been many fascinating shake-ups to Union’s status quo! One of these developments has to do with our Associated Student Body, as we now have a new president presiding: Miss Madison Carveth! It’s always interesting to learn what’s floating around in the minds of our student leaders, so I reached out to ask for her thoughts.

Drew Hickman: So what position did you serve on ASB before being promoted?

Madison Carveth: Previously, I served as ASB’s secretary.

DH: Now that you’re president, what sorts of duties come packaged along with that? 

MC: As president, I lead meetings, and I also have to ensure that each of our events is well-planned and executed smoothly. It’s my job to make sure everyone on my team has the tools they need in order to fulfill their respective duties. I meet with Kim Canine twice a week to discuss any questions my team or the student body may have. So as president, I act as a voice for the student body at Union College. 

DH: How do you feel about being given this new role?

MC: I’m so excited to see what I can achieve for Union College through this position! I know that I have a lot to learn about how to lead well in this role, but I have an outstanding team that’s more than well-equipped to help me navigate this new opportunity and succeed. 

DH:  What are your goals for ASB this semester?

MC: My primary goal for ASB this semester is to help my team put on events that create a strong sense of community. I want to make sure both visitors and current students feel welcome and are excited to participate. 

DH: Is there anything else you’d like to say about your position?

MC: Thank you all for your support and the opportunity to lead. I’m looking forward to working with all of you this semester!

Drew Hickman is a sophomore studying communication.