Knowing God's Will For Your Life


How can we know God’s plan for our lives? In college, we often feel pressure to know our callings immediately so we can pick the right degree to get the right job. What if the degree you get doesn’t matter? 

Think about Moses. He was adopted and educated by the royal family of Egypt, but being a prince wasn’t his calling. He spent 40 years as a shepherd in the wilderness, but that wasn’t his calling. God didn’t give Moses his true calling until he was about 80 years old, and then God made it very clear! How much clearer can it get than a burning bush and a voice from heaven! Aaron, Moses’s brother, was a slave for many years before God called him to be Moses’s voice and then finally High Priest. 

Joseph was a servant, and then a prisoner before he became second in command (Gen 41:40) to Pharaoh. Mary was simply a young lady until an angel came and told her she was going to be the mother of the Son of God. Jesus “grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52 NIV) and went about learning His father Joseph’s trade of stone masonry until God told Him it was time to begin His ministry. 

God can use us at all times in our lives, but sometimes our job is to go about our day-to-day lives, doing the best we can until God reveals His plan to us. When Saul was anointed king of Israel, he didn’t rush out to make it happen. Rather, he waited for God to reveal His timing and make him king. And while Saul turned away from God later in life, he desired to follow God earlier in his life. God told David that he was to become king, but God didn’t tell him how. David lived his life day by day until God made it clear to him how and when he was to become king. If God has not made it clear to you what His plan is for your life, think logically and live your life day by day to the best of your ability and wait. God will show you in His own time.

Jade Covel is a junior studying religion.