Captivating Your Crush: How to Attract Your Love Interest

It can be hard catching the attention of the person you’ve been pining over all semester. You know, the one with the nice hair who sits three seats in front of you in Algebra class or the person you saw in the Dick Building elevator the other day. From stolen glances over your mask to learning their schedule so you can “accidentally” show up where they hang out, love is difficult to capture. Here are some tips on how to cement that relationship and drive your crush crazy.

1. Send them over the top messages, especially if they don’t know you exist. A well placed “Hey baby” or “Hey gorgeous” goes a long way. Especially when you haven’t actually met the person. Your crush definitely will not think you are creepy by sending these messages.

2. Wear extra cologne or perfume. How is your crush supposed to know you exist if they can’t smell you from a mile away? Don’t be shy. Douse yourself in your favorite scent and let them come to you. You’ll be lucky, though, if your crush is the only one attracted. I mean, have you ever seen an AXE commercial?

3. Bombard them with text messages professing your undying love for them. Yes, even if they don’t know you exist. Who doesn’t want to be told how much you love them? They will be flattered by the constant and incessant attention your love has warranted. Don’t forget to include details about your crush that you learned about online from their social media profiles. That’s not creepy at all.

4. Plan your wedding and name your future children. It ‘s never too soon to start planning for the future, even if your crush is adorably unaware. Start that Pinterest board with wedding details that you think both of you will like. Don’t forget to ask for their input. It’s their wedding too! Also start brainstorming baby names and parenting strategies. It’s never too soon to consider these things!

Getting your crush to notice you takes a lot of work. Don’t forget that the more overbearing and attached you are, the more likely they are to decide that you

are the one for them. Follow these expert tips to attract your crush and keep them by your side for the rest of your lives. Some may call it clingy, I call it an investment in your future.


Kaitlynn Toay is a Senior

English Major from

Edgeley, North Dakota