Hey Hannah

Hey Hannah.png

Hey Hannah, How do I keep my New Year's resolutions?

- Consistent Constance 

Create a game plan for the year. Where would you like to be in three months, six months and so on? Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to reach your goals. The greatest thing you can give yourself this year is consistency. Many people have New Year’s resolutions that aren’t realistic, and then feel a sense of shame and failure when their resolutions aren’t met. Be kind to yourself and set achievable goals. Make sure you don’t forget to celebrate everyday victories. If every single day you make healthy decisions for yourself, healthy habits will follow. No matter what, I know you can do it! Don’t give up on yourself! You are worth it. 


Hey Hannah, Should I join the gym or just do home workouts?

- Workout Wendell

 Do whatever makes YOU comfortable. Gym workouts aren’t for everyone and home exercise isn’t for everyone either. Go with whichever choice will keep you accountable. I personally have to go to a gym or I simply won’t work out. There are too many distractions at home for me. Don’t be afraid to try different types of workouts, either. You could do group classes for kickboxing, dancing, cross-fit, hot yoga or more. There are so many options! Exercising can be really fun if you find what works for you. Remember, “healthy” is an outfit that looks different on everyone. Don’t compare your journey with anyone else’s. If all your friends are going to the gym, that doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong by exercising at home, and vice versa. Do you boo. 

Hey Hannah, Why did we come back to school?

- Tired Ted

To get that bread. 

Hannah Armstrong is a senior studying health and human performance.