Seventh-day Adventist Church Partners with Welch’s and Nabisco: Say Good-bye to Unleavened Bread

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Throughout the past few weeks, the Adventist church has been in the midst of this year’s Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee. Among the many important decisions and discussions that have taken place, an exciting new partnership was announced between the church and Welch’s and Nabisco. The plan is to make them the official communion drink and bread brands of the Adventist church. In a statement released this past week, church leaders said, “We are excited to announce our partnership with Welch’s and Nabisco. We believe that this will be positive for all parties and a great opportunity for the church.” Welch’s also released a statement saying that they were also “excited for the partnership” and were proud to be, “the official communion juice of the Adventist Church.” This has not come as a surprise to many, since Welch’s is what most Adventist churches have been using for communion for years. Nabisco also expressed their excitement for the partnership, saying, “We can’t wait to see our crackers in every church!”

So, what are the benefits to this partnership? Starting January 2021, Welch’s and Nabisco will be supplying each church with their products. Welch’s will be delivering a variety of their classic juices every other month, including a generous supply of their grape juice, of course, for communion. Nabisco will be delivering a shipment of their products once a month. The partnership with Nabisco may be the most exciting, since there is a huge selection of crackers for churches to choose from. Each church will be allowed to choose a variety or varieties based on congregation preference. This will allow for more options for members of the congregation with allergies since Nabisco has both gluten-free and vegan products available. On the flip side, Nabisco and Welch’s will get to advertise their brands as the official juice and cracker brand of the Adventist church. While the response to the partnership has been mixed, most church members believe that it is a good thing. Hopefully, this will be a positive relationship for everyone involved.

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Hannah Olin is a Sophomore

History Ed Major from

Princeton, Illinois