Lincoln Mask Mandate is Under Attack: Local Restaurants and Businesses Hire Law Firms to End Mandate

Nathan Sweet.JPG

It has been over a year since the world “shut down” and Lincoln has been under a mask mandate since February 2020. At this point, masks are shown to help flatten the curve when people actually wear them. However, there is a group of people that are actually fighting the mandate for masks in Lincoln.

         Bowling alleys and certain restaurants have hired two law firms to bring an end to the mandate in the city. Their goal is to bring an end to what they feel is micromanaging on the city’s end. In a press release, the law firms representing the places challenging the mandates said that their goal is to ensure that those entrusted with exercising the power of government do so in a way that is consistent with their legal authority.

         According to the law firms, they are not questioning the mask usage, but the city-wide mandate. While they say that it is appropriate to wear masks, they recognize that their patrons may have different views.

         Before this went to court, there were few places that were part of the lawsuit. However, once a judge let the case move forward, more places such as bars and retail stores joined along with more restaurants. In total, there are about 20 businesses involved with the suit.

         When this happened, there was another press conference where the law firm also said, “Instead of asking individuals to be responsible for their behavior, Lincoln is shouldering the burden on the back of businesses–you have to enforce against individuals.”

This mandate is supposed to end sometime in March. The question is, will it?


TJ Pittinger is a junior

theology major from

Gilson, Ill.