Deadly shooting leaves one dead

On Wednesday, Aug. 28, SWAT team, as well as federal authorities, the Omaha Police Department Gang Investigations Unit, arrived at an Omaha residence near 78th and Redick Avenue to serve a no-knock search warrant. Items that were to be searched were fentanyl, weapons including firearms and other items related. The court-authorized search warrant was issued to search the house of Cameron Ford, age 37, who was suspected of possessing illegal items. On the morning of Aug. 28 around 7 a.m., during the search, Omaha police officer, Adam Vail, shot Ford in the chest. This led to Ford being brought to University of Nebraska Medical Center in order to receive proper medical treatment. However, he died not long after due to his injury.

In the reports, Ford charged directly at a law enforcement officer which forced them to shoot. According to Officer Vail, he was unable to see where Ford’s hands were and he feared that they were in a life threatening situation given Ford’s rapid movements. His criminal history revealed that Ford had a long history of criminal charges such as domestic violence, assault, robbery, use of a weapon to commit a felony, carrying a concealed firearm, possession of cocaine, possession of a stolen firearm, possession of crack with intent to deliver, resisting arrest and more. 

Police officers found a fully loaded weapon as well as 46 grams of fentanyl powder along with pills and more. A threat assessment was done before the search and Ford received a threat score of 80. For comparison, a threat score of 25 guarantees the involvement of SWAT members as it is considered a high threat level. Recently, the family members of Ford stood in front of the Omaha Police Headquarters to protest the recent events regarding their family member. 

D’Shawn Le’Vell, a community activist, stated that “We’re trying to dispel the narrative that Ford was worthy of death because of allegations of criminal activity. The police still have the responsibility to apprehend even the guiltiest people with the best practices possible ensuring their safety and that they have a trial, and they don’t face execution in the streets.” The family of Ford is calling for Officer Vail to be fired from the police department. However, it is unknown whether or not officer Vail will be put on trial. It is said that after the investigation concludes a case will be presented to a grand jury.

By Robert Tengker