Students get involved at Club Rush

Union Adventist University’s annual involvement fair, also known as “Club Rush,” began the school year for new and returning students. They had many festivities such as outdoor games and food trucks. Students and teachers alike sat behind club tables and encouraged others to sign up. Many clubs offered enticing perks like free Chipotle night or an outing at the local bouldering gym. 

The food trucks provided students with free food and drinks which lured college students to participate. One of the activities that students could do was riding the mechanical bull. The archaeology club invited students to dig for treasures such as fossils, chocolates, and crackers to encourage them to sign up. Chess club promoted some friendly competition by allowing students to play on the boards at their booth. 

A new club this year is devoted to running and is led by Hannah Eitel. She hopes to give students a relaxed atmosphere to foster their running skills and make friends. The psychology club also fostered friendship by providing a bracelet-making station. The nursing club gave out free t-shirts to anyone who signed up and many stopped by their table to test out their skills in a game of operation. Many stopped by the Humanities club to play the trivia game “Taylor Swift or C.S. Lewis?” for the possibility of winning a sticker.

“The Well” Sabbath School’s booth bolstered students’ fishing skills by catching goldfish. The International Rescue and Relief Outdoor Club motivated students to test their skills on a slackline. Though many booths offered a variety of activities, students also found other ways to connect on the grass where four-square volleyball nets were set up. 

Club Rush was a fantastic way to kickstart the year and many students were able to connect with clubs, make new friends and unite as a community. 

By Jenna Wilson