Warrior spotlight: Sally Trana

Sally Trana is a freshman from Hutchinson, Minnesota. She is majoring in IRR with an emphasis in physical therapy. Sally came into this year not expecting to play sports but found herself at volleyball tryouts where she eventually made the team. She is now a dedicated member of her team and is excited to see what this season has in store. 

What are some goals you have and what skills do you want to improve this season? 

“I want to become more confident with aggressive hitting and digging in the back row.”

What obstacles are you overcoming this season?

“Definitely being an underclassman and not having played volleyball before. Even with my experience in other sports, this is going to take work and effort.”

Is volleyball your favorite sport that you have played? What other sports have you played?

“Volleyball is definitely up there. It's way more fun than I ever thought it would be. It isn’t my favorite sport, I definitely like soccer the best, but volleyball is quickly climbing the list. Playing this year has been so much fun and I always get such a kick out of practices and games. I’ve also played basketball, soccer, wrestling, and tennis. I’m excited to add volleyball to the list.”

Do you look up to your coaches? What do you appreciate about them?

“We all really look up to the coaches and we’re able to have a more personal relationship with them, which I really appreciate. They know their sport, they’re fun, and they enjoy getting to know each person on the team.”

What does a typical practice look like for you?
“We spend the first few minutes going up and down the court doing dynamic stretching to get our blood flowing. Immediately after, we partner up and do overhand hits to warm up our shoulders. Then it’s straight to drills. The last thirty to forty minutes we spend doing high-intensity stuff to build up stamina and really test our limits. We finish up with some light stretching to cool down.”

What do you do to prepare for game day?

“On game day, the team makes sure to match with corresponding outfits. This brings up team spirit and gets us ready for the game. At the game, we get all taped up, do some warm-up drills, then we get into it.”

Is there anything you are excited about this season? 

“I’m really looking forward to expanding my skill set and hopefully being able to play in games soon.”

By Sami Hoffer