Writing Studio and Research Librarian

 Helpful Resources for Students

As assignments, speeches and papers start to pour in, students can attend the Writing Studio in conjunction with Alejandra Hutchison who is Union’s in-house Research Librarian. They can provide helpful resources to any students that are needing a guiding hand.

This year, the Writing Studio, located in room 243 of Union Adventist University's Crandall Library, has welcomed a new Professional Consultant, Sara Wilson. She holds a Master’s Degree in Creative Nonfiction and has many years of teaching experience. Her schedule is posted on UGroups or in the library so students have quick access to receive writing help from her. She says, "My favorite part of teaching is working with students so joining the team at The Studio for Writing was an easy decision for me. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching confidence grow while a student progresses through a paper. I love the variety of assignments as well. It keeps me on my toes."

The Writing Studio also has a curated team of six peer consultants that help students become stronger writers. The peer consultants this year are Fortune Ogulere, Gaudence Uwamahoro, Jenna Gibson, Kaitlyn Porter, Mariank Gonzalez and Veronica Rivas. They are able to assist students with the whole process of writing a speech or paper from brainstorming to checking grammar and citing sources. It’s recommended that students come often and begin working on papers early. Consultants suggest setting aside 30-50 minutes to make the most of a consultation.

by Olivia Sweet