You’re In: College View Church Hosts Gospel Proclamation Event NewsThe ClocktowerOctober 21, 202095.7Comment
World Cup Affected by COVID-19: Teams Unite at 49ers Field to Continue Annual Union College Soccer Tradition NewsThe ClocktowerOctober 21, 202095.7Comment
Artists Make Plans to Perform Despite Pandemic: Lincoln Prepares for Live Performances in 2021 as the Music Scene Adjusts to COVID-19 Precautions NewsThe ClocktowerOctober 15, 202095.6Comment
The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Prepares to Hold Virtual EndItNow Summit on Abuse NewsThe ClocktowerOctober 15, 202095.6Comment
Random COVID-19 Testing Begins on Union College Campus NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 30, 202095.5Comment
Oregon Conference Helps Evacuees Amid West Coast Fires NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 30, 202095.5Comment
Lincoln Theaters Begin to Open as COVID-19 Persists: Theaters Enforce Pandemic Precautions NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 30, 202095.5Comment
COVID-19 Continues to Pop Up as New Testing Comes to Campus NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 26, 202095.4Comment
Adventist Organization Aids and Acts in Response to Hurricane Destruction NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 26, 202095.4Comment
Lincoln Man Goes Viral for Boneless Chicken Wing Speech NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 26, 202095.4Comment
Scavenger Hunt Company Provides COVID-19 Friendly Activities NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 20, 202095.3Comment
College View Church Provides Multiple Ministry and Service Opportunities: Students Who Want To Get Involved In Their Church Communities Have Options To Choose Form NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 20, 202095.3Comment
Medical Clinics Provide Support for Students Amid COVID-19 NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 18, 202095.2Comment
Seventh-Day Adventist Church Responds to Racial Injustice NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 18, 202095.2Comment
Union Adjusts Worship Credit Requirements in Wake of New School Year... Again NewsThe ClocktowerSeptember 6, 202095.1Comment