DANIEL Live on stage

Last month, Sight & Sound Theatres broadcasted one of their biggest productions to audiences across the world. “DANIEL Live on Stage” is a performance depicting the events of Daniel’s life straight from his abduction from Jerusalem, including Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, the fiery furnace, Babylon’s fall, the lion’s den, and even some of the visions Daniel experienced. This performance includes a diverse and talented cast, exhibiting the emotion and story behind the events of Daniel’s life. 

Although “DANIEL Live on Stage” was a virtual performance for many, being in the movie theater made the viewer feel immersed in the world the actors depicted. From stunning sets to realistic CGI, this performance feels more like a movie than a play. The actors are able to bring the story to life in a whole new way. Up until recently, Sight & Sound Theatres had been using minimal graphics instead of real, homemade sets. However, the studio was able to display massive screens all throughout the stage that make the world they present more real to the viewer. This new addition, whether in-person or virtual, makes the experience more entertaining. 

While a good portion of the sets included CGI, many of them did not. These real sets, which required changing with every scene, showed the real beauty of Sight & Sound Theatres. The studio has always been able to make a stage set feel like the real thing, and they were able to do both Babylon and Jerusalem justice. 

One of the main pieces of the stage was the Ishtar Gate which spans the whole length of the massive stage. Other sets include the inside of temples, palaces, and even Daniel’s living quarters. The attention to detail is astonishing and makes the viewer immersed in what is happening on the stage before them.

In addition to the sets, the acting by the performers is brilliant. Each of the actors undertook a massive role, but after over 150 shows, the performers have mastered the act, making the roles they portrayed feel like they were the real people from Biblical times. From Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, each of these portrayals are a sight to see with their musical and acting abilities. 

On the other hand, the music, both instrumental and vocal, give the play a unique ancient Babylonian sound. The lyrics “there is none like Babylon // we are one” live rent-free in the viewer’s mind. Sight & Sound Theatres strives to select the very best for their music and they have done so with this play. 

Overall, the broadcast was a sight to see. If you missed the virtual play, you should head over to Lancaster, Pennsylvania if you have the chance while performances are still happening. If not, Queen Esther is currently underway in Branson, Missouri. 

RATING: ⅘ popcorn kernels 

by Adelle Hall